
Manners are an important part of the British culture and good manners are very important to the British people. Manners are a way of showing politeness to the people around you.
Always say please and thank you.
It is considered very rude to say ‘give me’ or ‘I want’ you should better say “May I be excused to go the toilet please?” “Please could you pass me the salt?” or “Please can I have one ticket to London Road?
It is polite to greet people according to the time of day
From the time you get up until midday (12.00h) Good morning From midday until 6 o’clock (12.00h – 18.00h) Good afternoon From 6 o’clock until you go to bed (18.00h) Good evening
When British people greet each other they shake hands, this is considered to be a formal greeting. They are not used to kissing each other.
The British love to queue. Standing in a queue and respecting the rules of the queue are very important to the British
At the dinner table (or when eating breakfast and lunch) it is considered good manners to remember to say thank you to the person who cooked and served your meal (even if you didn’t like it!). When you have finished eating ask to leave the table and put your plate in the sink or dishwasher.
Keep an open mind and look forward to facing new challenges.
The climate, customs and lifestyle will be different to home, try new foods at different times of the day and embrace new experiences.
Don’t be frightened to ask questions and practise your English at every given opportunity, families are accustomed to hosting students of all levels.
You are staying in a family home, tidy up after yourself and behave respectfully Remember your British manners, say please and thank you!
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your stand out and show your visitors who you are.