Happily Wet and Damp
Our First Day in Exmouth.
We have already started enjoying our “Crèdit de síntesi” in Exmouth. We are now in the class practicing our English and getting to know our new classmates. Yesterday it was a very long day of travelling, first by car to the airport, then the plane and then the bus.
But our families welcomed us warmly and we had a good rest at night.Today we are having lessons in the morning and there is a trip around town scheduled for the afternoon, but as it is raining we may do it tomorrow and have indoor activities instead.
We have met a school from A Coruña and we share lessons with them. We hope we will make good friends with them. The families are nice and we have had the first try of English food. We look forward to discovering more from the town and living all the adventures waiting for us this week. We will keep you updated! Big hugs!
Feliçment molls fins les celles
El primer dia a Exmouth
Ja hem començat a gudir del nostre Crèdit se síntesi a Exmouth. Ara som a classe practicant l’anglès i coneixent els nostres nous companys de classe.
Ahir va ser un dia llarg, primer amb cotxe, després avió i finalment amb autobús. Però les nostres famílies ens van acollir amb molta calidesa i al vespre vam poder descansar molt bé.
Avui tenim classe al matí, tenim prevista una excursió a la tarda però com que plou pot ser que fem activitats a l’escola. Hem coincidit amb una escola de A Coruña i fem classe amb ells.
Esperem trobar bons amics.Les famílies són molt agradables i ja hem tastat el menjar anglès. Ja tenim ganes de saber el que ens espera durant la setmana!
Seguirem informant.
Una abraçada!