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On The Boat

Exmouth From A Different Perspective

Today afternoon we have joined a boat tour on the River Exe after the morning lessons. We wanted to see the seals but unfortunately they were very shy and were hiding as we went by.

Afterwards we had a quiz exercise along the beach. It was not very easy but we completed some of the questions. We ended our day in the beach, the water was freezing but it was great fun.Keep you updated!

En barca

Exmouth des d’un punt de vista diferent.

Després de les clases del matí ens hem embarcat en una excursió pel Riu Exe. Volíem veure les foques, però desafortunadament éren molt tímides i estaven amagades quan hem passat.

Després hem fet un qüestionari al passeig. No era gaire fácil però hem completat força preguntes. Hem acabat el dia a la platja, l’aigua estava fredíssima però ha estat molt divertit.

Us mantindrem informats!

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