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Hello again !

Hello again!

As we told you in the morning, today has been intense. Finally, we have been able to have the walking tour after the lessons. The rain was light but we did very well. We have been able to have an overview of the city and to know about the main places.

Tomorrow we are having lessons again in the morning, but the afternoon will be different, we will visit Exeter. Exeter is the capital city of the area and we will be able to see the impressive cathedral as well as the museum.We will also go on a tour around the city.

Do not miss the uploads on this webpage as well as on Twitter and Instagram.Keep in touch!

Hola de nou!

Tal i com us hem dit al matí, avui ha estat un dia intens. Al final hem pogut fer la visita de la ciutat després de les clases. Plovia una mica però ens ha anat bé. Hem pogut fer-nos una imatge global de la ciutat i hem conegut els llocs més importants.

Demà tornem a tenir clases al matí, però la tarda serà diferent, visitarem Exeter. Exeter és la capital de la zona i podrem veure la seva impressionant catedal així com també el museu. També donarem un volt per la ciutat.

No us perdeu les actualitzacions d’aquesta página , del twitter i l’instagram.Seguim en contacte!

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