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Exeter By Train

Loads to be done in a single day

Today, we had lessons in the morning as usual, but after that, we had a very short time for lunch because we had to go on an excursion. We took the train with Cath, our guide, and went to Exeter. It is a very big city and we only saw a small part of it but we enjoyed it a lot. The first stop was in the gardens where we could see the wall. Then we had a visit to the museum and a walking tour that ended in front of the impressing cathedral of the city.

On the way back to the train we went through the narrowest street of the world (25”)!It was a very interesting visit, and we look forward to Friday as we will be able to see some more of it!

We will keep you updated!

Cap a Exeter amb tren

Un munt per fer en un sol diaAvui, hem fet classe al matí com cada dia, però després hem tingut poc temps per dinar ja que teníem una excursió preparada. Hem agafat el tren acompanyats de la Cath, la nostra guia, i hem anat a Exeter. És una ciutat molt gran i només n’hem vist una petita part, però ens ha agradat molt.

La primera parada ha estat als jardins, on hem pogut veure l’antiga muralla. Després hem fet una visita al museu i una ruta a peu que ha acabat davant la impressionant catedral de la ciutat. De tornada al tren hem passat pel carrer més estret del món (25”)!

Ha estat una visita molt interessant i ja esperem el divendres per veure’n una mica més!

Us mantindrem informats.

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