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All comes to and end

Today was the farewell day. It was our last day at school, in Exeter and Exmouth. We said goodbye to the teachers at school in the morning and went towards Exerter by train in the afternoon. So after some lessons and a lovely shopping afternoon we will spend tonights evening packing our luggage to get ready for tomorrow's way to Stonehenge and London. We are leaving at eight o'clock in the morning so we will have an early day.

We look forward to seeing the stonishing stones in Stonehenge and can't wait either to see London's landmarks tomorrow. Keep an eye on the webpage and we will keep you updated!

See you soon!

Tot s'acaba

Avui era el dia del comiat. Ha estat l'últim dia a l'escola, a Exmouth i a Exeter. Hem dit adéu als professors de l'escola al matí i hem tornat a Exeter amb tren a la tarda. Així, després de les classes del matí i una gran tarda de compres, passarem el vespre fent maletes per estar a punt pel viatge de demà cap a Stonhenge i Londres. Marxem a les vuit del matí, per tant ens haurem de llevar d'hora.

Ja tenim ganes de veure Stonehenge i no tenim espera per veure els llocs emblemàtics de Londres. No deixeu de mirar la pàgina i us mantindrem informats!

Fins aviat!!

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